you remember the Animal Crackers in the Panama Canal Company Commissary? Now for a little crunch-crunch goodie from out of
the past. Yes, when I was a kid living in the Canal Zone the little box of Barium's Animal Crackers were my favorite. I still
look for them and they are still good! I guess the only cookie or cracker that comes close is Oreo Cookies or maybe Fig Newtons.
The box hasnt change much. it still has that flat white cord that makes it easy to carry. The staples that held the cord on
the ends have been removed and now glue is used to hold it on the ends. The box is still very colorful and the ones I remember
way back when had the King of the Jungle in a Circus Cage Wagon. Circus shows were big in my day and for a few minutes, I
thought about running away and joining the Circus. But that was a passing thing for me. But lets get back to the crackers.
Have you bought a box of Barnums Animal Crackers lately? No, well that taste and the fun you had eating them is still there.
Oh, how the kids would eat these crackers. Some would get all the legs off a few ferocious looking animals. Others would eat
the heads first and then the body. And other kids would play with the animal crackers. Some would daydream that they were
on Safari with Teddy Roosevelt in the darkest of Africa. Of course they were the Big Kahuna and they call the shots. That
meant that they had first dubs on what animals they would eat first. Animal Crackers have always been great for all ages.
Now if you had any crackers left when you got home, you could pour yourself a small glass of Estrella Azul Leche and in your
little fist crunch up some animal crackers. Wow, it was so good! About as good as home made Tigers Milk. Back in our day the
toy selection was limited to a sling shot, Duncan yo-yos, BB-Red Ryder Winchester repeating rifle and possibly a spinning
top. That was if you were a little kid. A baseball glove and Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat came later. But for eating the
Barnums Animal crackers were out of sight! Today as yesterday, Mothers still buy the animal crackers for their little tots.
And the way they smear their faces with them you can tell they dont just like them... but they love them too! So, if you are
looking for some great crackers... try Barnums Animal Crackers. You will love them and just THINK...the memories are FREE!