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Tin Can


Riding a destroyer in rough seas was like being on a wild horse as you came out of the chuet. You kind of hung on for dear life and doing that you also performed your assigned duties of being on watch or at your battle station. I can say  there was one storm I will never forget--- I thank God every day he got us all through it for the waves seemed like huge skyscrapers and the green water crashing onto the bridge rattled every filling in my mouth. Yes what a ride...  


"Night and a sea lathered with storm--- a small gray ship, her bows streaming spume, fights her way across the heaving slopes and sinking valleys of water. Off in the blowing murk another vessel rides the sea---" 
Courtesy of  Theodore Roscoe from his definitive book on "United States Destroyer Operations in World War II."


".... And the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." (Christopher Columbus)

The United States Navy